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Oscar F. Gonzalez, was missionary in Bosnia and Herzegovina, after getting married to Olga Wiebe, they moved to Israel as missionary pastors in a Messianic Jewish church in Bet Shemesh. At the end of their time in the Middle East, Oscar and his family moved to Canada, where they pastored for 4 years in the city of Kitchener, Ontario. Today, they are pastors at the Iglesias Buenas Nuevas in the city of Memphis, TN.


Oscar has a master's degree in Marketing from the Euncent Business School of the Polytechnic University of Barcelona. And he earned his Master of Arts from Dallas Theological Seminary. He has a Certificate in Pastoral Care from ACPE - (Association for Clinical Pastoral Education), and is a Board Certified Pastoral Counselor (BCPC) certified by the American Association of Christian counselors (AACC), and is founder of "En su misión ministry.


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